“the worst lies are the ones we tell
The ego’s goal is to persuade us to believe
things that are patently false, untrue, to create a distorted reality so that
it can protect us. To bend and warp what we think we know and believe is its way
of keeping us where it wants us – unsure, on edge, enmeshed in self-doubt.
Men will exaggerate thousands of things.
Collectively we misremember most events that we experience as if the odds were
always in our favor. We reconfigure and reconstruct and hyperbolically color
and edit and embellish.
Everyone loves a good story. That does mean we live a
good one. Nostalgia takes us back and fills us with a feeling of how - perhaps we wished we felt. In actuality, the truth is hidden in a reality that we
may not want to process or accept. Hindsight is 20/20 through rose-colored
spectacles but there are shades of grey that we don’t see because we may not be
able to come to terms with what was, so we push it back into our shadow self and
let it gather dust.
If we are not grounded in reality, reason, and logic we are susceptible to magical thinking. The thinking that two or more random
occurrences are connected in a way that the outcome makes perfect sense when in
actuality it is our mind’s quest to see patterns to explain our belief system
and biases.
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