In these tumultuous times with so much division and vitriol, it is paramount that we be mindful of what is in our minds and where our thoughts go when we are moved emotionally. Because when we think with our hearts, we are not likely to apply reason and logic and may not acknowledge the truth but embrace the truth of how we want it to be from our own bias colored perspective.
What this comes down to is that we are quick to judge without having context or facts. We are operating from a preconceived strongly held belief that we are likely to take as gospel.

We judge the first impression and everything that follows. We are stuck in a rigid non-pliable way of seeing because we have experienced something in the past which leaves us afraid of the unknown of the future, so we become static and immovable in the present. If we could only begin with what the Buddhists refer to beginner’smind or in Zen, I don’t know mind.

If we can be open to come what may we would all be better off. Some of us get excited about new opportunities for growth and change and others grip with white-knuckled desperation of the tried and true of the status quo.

Why change when the same old same old has always worked. When I hear – We have always done it this way, I know that I have a person with a closed mindset and that I have some work to do. This does not mean that we should abandon hope but double our efforts in a more empathetic caring and insightful manner.

The mind is a beautiful thing so too is the heart. One is our operating system the other our GPS of this soft machine that we occupy whilst we walk on this plane as try to navigate the difficulties of every day. As we grow and evolve our trajectory uncertain as we learn and not learn from our past experiences.

So, we must empty ourselves and begin a new with each encounter and listen more than talk take notes and ask questions and not accept things at face value. Before we can value anything we must first understand it, if we do not we will fear it then we are catapulted right back into that space in the past where we gauge everything on the emotional reaction that only leads to spiraling downwards instead of ascended to our greatest state of being. We must move forward without trepidation or apprehension and embrace the undiscovered beauty that is there but yet to be a witnessed as we the pilgrims of eternity learn to master our selves our emotions and our thought to create heaven right here on earth.



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