Let’s be clear about that! Seek your own council - Be your own hero, savior, knight in shining armor.
Change begins within. Like the proverbial light bulb, you have to want to change. You could want to for all the right reasons. You don’t feel well, lose weight, your second wife left you for the third time, what have you.
Change is good. It clears out the cobwebs. Novelty, or new stuff, is instructive. It attracts new interest. It inspires inquisitiveness. It makes the gray matter in your brain to wake up and take notice.
If anything it could prevent boredom. The Status quo is static and quite frankly - the same old same old - is death. Try something new even if it is wrong.
You don’t have to wait until you have everything you think you need or have to go out and buy all the gear and the best new bike to start riding a bike. Hell, go buy one at a yard sale, get your fat ass on the seat and ride. Seriously, when I see someone riding a bike, I can usually tell if they are new to it or haven't rode in a while. They have all the best colorful stretchy pants that make their ass look great and the helmet that makes them look like a bug. I know when I see those folks it is just a matter of weeks if not days before that stuff they thought needed to make the simplest of changes is on their front yard in their next yard sale. Tops six months before they can’t wait to get rid of it - so it does not remind them of their latest failure. The same goes for diets. Diet is just how well you eat - not what and how much.
So, no one is coming to save you with instructions or a field guide tucked under their arm. Life is messy - go out there and try new things, have fun, and see how you don’t know about what you don’t know.
Peace, Jeff Turnbull
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