"Those who do not hate their own selfishness and regard themselves as more important than the rest of the world are blind because the truth lies elsewhere" ~ Blaise Pascal

I was recently diagnosed as having Type 2 Diabetes. I went to the Dr. for a regular check-up to get a physical. Pretty routine stuff. He scheduled me to get labs done. I hadn't seen him in a couple years. So it made sense. Saved time so he had the baseline numbers PSA etc.. to work with. Turns out my blood sugar was through the roof - 15 when 5-6.5 A1C is an acceptable number.

He said we would treat it with meds first then pursue getting the number done with diet. I thought ok. It was all new to me. I did not even realize that I was looking at diabetes until I asked him what was going on.

Later after doing some research, I realized that the Dr. did not even mention exercise or what foods I should eat or other options as far as medication. I did not have it in my family. I was thin and in relatively good shape otherwise. I asked him if stress and anxiety could be contributing factors. The reason I actually went to see him besides a physical was to get my Zoloft and Xanax refilled because I finally had healthcare insurance again. 

He said no that stress would not do it. I had just come off of a year and a half of the worst period in my life. My anxiety was so bad I could not work. I lost 40lbs and could not sleep - I was a mess. I did more research and found out that yes stress and anxiety can cause blood sugar levels to spike. The stress hormone Cortisol was coursing through my entire body. The constant non-stop fight or flight response was controlling my life. Mindfulness meditation, yoga, Stoicism that helped me in the past did not help.

After more research, I find that like most problems with modern western medicine that the meds I was prescribed and the approach to my newly discovered health challenge were treating the symptom not the cause. I was a massage therapist for a good many years. I am more of an eastern mindset when it comes to health and matters of the mind and spirit. My religion is the same as the tree I see out my window. I am a child of nature and the natural world at the same time being a citizen of the world.

I was not of the mind of putting more chemicals into my body than need be. I appreciate science but I also am a firm believer in trying to approach health in a holistic manner taking everything into consideration.

But Big Pharma has to please its shareholders. Too big to fail is a myth and corporations and the stockholders take precedent over the health of the body politic and the body of humans collectively. Climate change is not weather it is Global Warming. A plant-based diet is better for you. 

We are losing our Humanity when the wealth of a few outweigh the health of the many or the all. We are out of balance and homeostasis is a struggle in a society where profit and so-called material wealth is the measure of how far we have come. 

"I believe all suffering is caused by ignorance. People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their happiness or satisfaction. Yet true happiness comes from a sense of inner peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved through the cultivation of altruism, of love and compassion and elimination of ignorance, selfishness and greed." ~ Dalai Lama



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