They say when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Well, what if the tough has a compromised immune system and they’re in their sixties? They might not be that tough? And, what about those with compromised behavioral systems? The ones who cannot take direction and will do what they want and may hurt someone/ 

I liked to think that I am disciplined enough to listen to the scientists and take careful, thoughtful measures without panicking. But there are those who’ve already at their wits end and a pandemic is just the challenge they cannot handle because they are not sure what is and what is not under their control.

A thin person may not worry about starving, but the obese person may worry where their next meal is coming from. Or the other way around – it is all about their locus of control. I know I am resourceful. I am sure that things will be ok until they are not. I can plan for the worst-case scenario yet hope for the best.

We should be able to gauge where we are and where we want to be and take measures to get there. If we cannot then we can constantly reevaluate the situation and amend our thoughts, feeling, and actions. We must love our fate. Be organized. That way we can see progress and build on that. Be aware of our situation whilst we are truthful with ourselves about choices. Don’t take unnecessary chances without assessing the risks. Remember no risk no reward, right? We must always weigh our choices and try not to act impulsively.

If we apply reason and logic while we keep our emotions in check, we will be ok. A small gain is still gaining. Choose what direction you want to go in and start moving and change course when needed. You do not have to know exactly where you are going, but we need to be sure about the way.

The big bad bad is out there. There will always be something out there that threatens what we hold dear. The key, I believe is not to hold too tightly. Nothing lasts forever.

Nothing. Time may be unlimited, but resources are limited. Do what you can with what you have. Value what you have while you have it. We may lose our life in an instant – that bus with your name on it shows up unexpectedly. Or a global pandemic may sweep across the globe claiming countless lives. Whatever it may be.

Be brave and if the big bad bad comes for you with your death rattle – roar, be it the wolf at the door – let the fear of death be no more and make ready for the other shore and be grateful for the time you had.

The fear of death is worse than death itself. After we are gone there is no suffering and no pain. Before we were born there was space and time and after we depart there will be space and time, we just will not be here to enjoy it so enjoy each day as if it is your last. If you are not happy now, why not? Get on that tick-tock. Time waits for no one. You are someone. Make a difference and leave a legacy that you can live with even after you are gone.



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